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Profitable powder processing

Profitable powder processing

The FT4 Powder Rheometer® was designed with one purpose in mind - to characterise the rheology, or flow properties, of powders. This remains a primary function today, but the instrument, accessories and methodologies have been continuously developed to the point where the FT4 is now considered a universal powder flow tester.

In powder processing, analytical data is a primary driver of progress towards better products and more efficient manufacturing practice. Instruments that deliver novel, unique and relevant information enable an enhanced understanding of powder behaviour making it possible to solve problems that are otherwise intractable, potentially transforming profitability. For nearly twenty years, Freeman Technology have learned about some of the most demanding powder processing challenges and how the FT4 has facilitated their solution.

Our new whitepaper summarises ways in which our technology has helped users to work more effectively. Experience has shown that by boosting efficiency, from R&D to manufacture, the FT4 can contribute significantly to greater profitability.