The concepts of return on investment (ROI) and payback time are second nature to practicing engineers but that doesn’t mean that the associated calculations are always straight forward. When it comes to assessing analytical equipment then the upfront costs can be relatively easy to determine, but the potential return is significantly more difficult. Powder testing equipment is a particularly interesting example for the consideration of this issue. Testers for the measurement of powder flowability vary in price – from just a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars – but also in terms of sophistication, level of automation, data quality and relevance.
In this recent article, in Powder & Bulk Engineering, we consider how powder testing delivers value focusing on the features of off-line and at-line testers that are associated with higher returns. The aim is to support sound decision-making around the selection of a tester, based on rigorous economic assessment.
Click here to read "Investing in Powder Testing Equipment".