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Modern Slavery Policy


This statement is made on behalf of Freeman Technology Ltd pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and summarises Freeman Technology’s statement on slavery and human trafficking.

Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Freeman Technology Ltd does not tolerate slavery or human trafficking, and as such is committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business or supply chains.  

Our Business

Freeman Technology manufactures and distributes instrumentation for measuring the flow properties of powders. Headquartered in Tewkesbury, UK. In 2018, Freeman Technology became part of the Micromeritics Instrument Corporation, a company headquartered in Norcross, GA, USA. 

Our Supply Chains

Our supply chain includes: 

  • Purchased parts for product manufacture and repair
  • Equipment for operational purposes, including but not limited to, computer equipment, office supplies, laboratory consumables, building maintenance
  • Recruitment of permanent and temporary placements
Risk Assessment and Due Diligence Processes

We have in place systems to identify and mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our supply chains. 

Existing suppliers

We have asked all existing suppliers to provide copies of their anti-slavery policies and the point of contact at Freeman Technology has assessed the risks associated with working with individual suppliers.

Future suppliers

Before establishing any new supplier relationship risk assessments are conducted and anti-slavery policies obtained.

Supplier Adherence to our Values and Ethics

Freeman Technology has a zero-tolerance policy to slavery and human trafficking. To ensure that all those within our supply chain comply with our policy, we have a compliance programme in place. 

30th July 2018